This is the Services guide.
Tap on a topic and then subtopic below to navigate this guide.
This guide remains a work in progress and will likely see corrections or additions. Please send questions and suggestions or your application to begin the training using the feedback link below.
What are Housing Stablization Services?
Who is eligible to receive these services?
What is each of the services in this category?
How to document these services.
Who can provide these services and what are the provider qualifications and competencies for this service?
Housing Stabilization Services were introduced as a Medicaid-billable healthcare service in July of 2020, with these stated goals:
These services include:
Each of these services are explained in more detail below.
While it might seem non-client-centered, we should not initiate HSS Services until we receive official authorization. This includes:
Eligibility for Housing Stabilization Services is defined in more detail in the Minnesota Health Care Programs Manual here, but consists of essentially these three qualifying factors.
Eligible recipients are:
Clinicians, Practitioners, Integrated Care Managers (CMGT & BHH), and outside parties may making a referral identifying which of the three services the indivdiual needs to one of our Housing Consultants.
The Housing Consultant will begin the process by revewing eligibility. We must be confident that they meet the criteria above. If you are the Consultant asked to start this process and have questions, seek guidance first.
The next step is to complete the Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan first, to submit along with the eligibility request:
These three questions are the heart of the Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan and must be answer as described below:
1) Check one or more assessed needs (Must reflect the need areas that were identified in the assessment)
Decision making
Managing challenging behaviors
2) Areas in need of housing
How will the areas of assessed need be reflected in the person's housing? Please write at least 3-4 sentences explaining how the person's needs (mobility, communication, decision making, or managing challenging behaviors) affect their ability to find or keep housing.
*This must specifically describe how the checked items above are barriers to housing.
3) Support Instructions
What will the provider do to address the recipient's assessed need(s) related to housing? Please write at least 3-4 sentences explaining how the provider will support the person with their assessed needs and help them find/keep their housing; as well as identify if they are starting with transition or sustaining services.
*This must specifically describe how supports will address the checked items above.
Next Steps
Work can also begin on the eligibility request:
The Eligibility Request must be accompanied by one of the following:
Preferred, the Coordinated Entry Assessment that can be obtained after completing a:
or, one of the following:
After completing the required documents, notiify the Service Coordinator, who will enter the SPDAT into the Coordinated Entry Assessment online and submit the eligibility rquest to DHS for review and approval. Services should not begin until approval is obtained. Reviewing eligiblity prior to starting this process is essential, as we may not bill for development of the Plan if the eligiblity request is denied.
Step | Action |
Referred individual has either a Care Coordinator with their MCO, or a Waiver (CADI, TBI, etc.) Case Manager. | Mark the individual's status for HSS as Referral and ask the Care Coordinator or Waiver Case Manager to submit an eligigibilty request for Housing Stabilization Services (or confirm that they have done so).
Request a copy of the eligibility request and Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan with a signed ROI from the referred individual. *Possibly, completing our full SPDAT and HSS Eligibility Request and sending to the Care Coordinator or Case Manager may help expedite this process. |
Referred individual does not have a Care Coordinator with their MCO, or a Waiver (CADI, TBI, etc.) Case Manager. | Mark the individual's status for HSS as Referral and begin the Assessment called SPDAT and HSS Eligibility Request (Family or Individual), found in Eligibility Assessments and Requests.
This document includes the elements necessary for the - SPDAT (Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool), and - Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan |
The Eligibility Request and Housing-Focused Persons-Centered Plan has been submitted. | Mark the individual's status for HSS to Initiating.
Record the subission using the Administrative Support service type: Auth Request or Notification Sent |
The Eligibility Request and Housing-Focused Persons-Centered Plan has been approved. | Mark the individual's status for HSS to Active and begin services by:
1) Entering Goals and Objectives for housing into the client's file, 2) Building a Tabs Service Plan 3) Scheduling the Transitioning or Sustaining service. |
Instructions for building the Tabs Housing Stabilization Services Plan. | If the individual currently receives other services and the Plan for those services is due within the next 30 days, update that plan, adding HSS services.
Use the custom template Treatment Plan Addendum to add the HSS service, goals and objectives. |
Status | Use For |
Referral | Individual is referred for HSS services but authorization is not yet submitted. |
Initiating | Individual is referred for HSS services and authorization is submitted but no authorization received yet. |
Active | Authorization received and individual has begun receiving services. |
Hold | Authorization has expired and renewal has not yet been submmitted for approval. |
Pending | Authorization has expired and renewal has been submmitted for approval but not yet received. Continue pending if a re-authorization is denied and is being appealed. |
Previous | Client received but is no longer receiving services for a variety of reasons including achieved housing goals, stopped participating, transferred to a new provider, moved out of state, initial or re-authorization was denied and appeal was unsuccessful, etc. |
Unserved | Client never received any BHH service (including consultation), declined to participate, went elsewhere for the service, etc. |
*Remember to include pending and hold clients in searches and investigate them.
In keeping with our efforts to provide integrated sevices, the Housing Focused Person-Centered Plan elements will be integrated into the Functional Assessment and Integrated Treatment Plan, but must be transcribed into the DHS documents for submittal once complete.
Housing Consultation consists solely of developed the Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan. Described in more detail in the DHS Housing Stablization Services page here, this includes:
Developing this plan is billable as Housing Consultation for adults who are not recipients of Adult Mental Health Targeted Case Management at Accend. When we are providing Case Management, developing this plan is a Case Management service and not separately billable.
Housing Consultation should be done by a Waiver Case Manager or MSHO/Care Coordinator if the client has either of those services already provided.
For clients who are not Case Managment clients, document work on the Housing Plan as Housing Consultation. Use the meeting types Face-to-Face for the interview and Non-Face-to-Face for the write-up work.
When the plan is complete and sent to medical records for submission, use the add-on "Housing Plan Complete".
Transition services consist of:
Activities with an asterisk (*) can be provided directly (in person) or indirectly on behalf of the person. The expectation is that services are primarily provided as a direct service. Your progress notes must indicate whether the service was provided in person or as an indirect service using the service type.
Sustaining services include:
As for transitioning, sustaining activities with an asterisk (*) can be provided directly (in person) or indirectly on behalf of the person. The expectation is that services are primarily provided as a direct service. Your progress notes must indicate whether the service was provided in person or as an indirect service using the service type.
Moving Expenses is a benefit available for recipients of Housing Stabilization services. This benefit includes reimburse for a variety of expenses related to moving and is limited to certain types of moves (type of current housing and new housing. This benefit is available one-time only as is limited to a total of $3000. This section will summarize, but you may have questions and should ask before promising this benefit to your clients.
To be eligible for Moving Expenses, an individual must be making the one of the following (Transitioning) types of moves:
Not eligible are moves such as the following:
Moving expenses may include the following:
Moving expenses are described here (tap on moving expenses and then the link under the heading What is covered under Moving Expenses? for a long, but not exhaustive list.
Non-eligible expenses include, but are not necessarily limited to:
*HSS staff should NEVER make purchases with their own money and then request reimbursement.
Obtain receipts for all purchases. For sellers/vendors who do not provide their own receipts, obtain their signature on this one. Upload all receipts to the client's documents in Tabs.
Log all purchases using the Tabs form "Moving Expenses Log" in the client's file (found at document>client forms>client expenses>Moving Expenses Log).
Send receipts for all purchases to Medical Records, who will upload them to the client file and forward them to billing.
When initiating HSS services for current clients who already have an Integrated Plan in place, use the stand-alone HSS Service Plan. Set the end date for the plan to match the end date of the current Integrated Plan, at which time the plans should be integrated.
If HSS services are recommended at the outset of services, or coincide with a subsequent update, simply integrate all plans immediately.
Remote services as defined by DHS in in this chart include: Phone, video conferencing or text message directly with the person. (Length of time communicating must meet the 8 minute rule to be billable.)
Remote services are limited to 50% of direct services annually unless an exception is granted for up to 75% using the Additional Remote Support Request form, signed by the recipient and provider. Reasons for exceptions listed on the form include:
Service Type | Use | Special Instructions |
Housing Consultation | All activities associated with interviewing the individual and developing the plan. Use the meeting type Face-to-Face for the Interview, and non-Face-to=Face for other activities associated with developing the plan. | These activities are not separately billable.
Total time to interview and write a single individual's plan should not exceed 4 hours. Please note, as describe above, this is not a separely billable service for clients of AMH-TCM. It is done as a part of AMH-TCM services. |
Housing Transition Supports | Transition services. Use the meeting type to indicate whether or the not services were Face-to-Face or Non-Face-to-Face. | Billed in 15-minute units. Start and end time required.
Notes must describe specific activities listed above. In-service transportation (Travel During) is allowed. |
Housing Sustaining Supports | Sustaining services. Use the meeting type to indicate whether or the not services were Face-to-Face or Non-Face-to-Face. | Billed in 15-minute units. Start and end time required.
Notes must describe specific activities listed above. In-service transportation (Travel During) is allowed. |
HSS Client Initiated Cancellation | Client cancels a face-to-face session. | Use time during cancellations to complete other follow-up or investigative work needed for that client or others. |
HSS Contact and Scheduling | Efforts to contact a client for a face-to-face session. | Describ efforts to contact and reschedule in the note. |
HSS Coordination of Services | Coordination of Services. Use the meeting type Internal or External. | Do not use External Coordinaiton when the activity meets criteria for Non-Face-to-Face services indicated with an asterisk above. |
HSS Provider Initiated Cancellation | Provider cancels a face-to-face session. | Describe resceduling efforts in the note. |
Discharge reasons and procedures for each are as folllows.
When an individual receiving Housing Stabilization Services wishes to discharge or transfer to another provider, complete form DHS 8110. This simple form requires only a checkbox indicating the desire to discharge, and the signature of the recipient and provider, name, and date.
As a result of a subsequent Consultation, the individual may be:
*Review eligibility requirements here thoughfully with determining eligibility.
When discharging for either reason, inform the recipient of their rights to appeal the decision. No formal appeal process is described in current available materials. Check back again for updates to this section.
Housing Stabilization Services require that the individual is enrolled in Medical Assistance (straight MA or through and MCO). If a recipient permanently loses eligibility for this health care coverage (example, obtains private insurance or no longer otherwise qualifies) discharge will occur. Individuals may also appeal determinations of elibility for MA.
Disengagement means lack of participation in the service as characterized by:
When discharging for disengagment, follow these steps:
A person can receive transition services to find housing, including visiting properties, in local trade areas (areas near Minnesota a person may drive to for goods and services) in another state. If a person is moving to another state outside of a local trade area, transition services can still be provided with the exception of visiting properties with services again ending when the person moves.
Once the person moves to the other state, they would no longer be on MN Medicaid and are no longer able to receive Housing Stabilization Services.
Rarely, we may determine that is is not safe, feasible, or appropriate to provide services to an individual. When making this determination, assist the individual with a referral to another provider and provide the Housing-Focused Person-Centered Plan to that provider.
To qualify as one of our Consultation, Transition or Sustaining providers, you must:
All of these topics are available on the Trainlink website..
Navigate to the Trainlink website. Log in using your unique key. Navigate to Housing and Supports Services. Search using the keyword "housing" to find these courses:
Course Number | Course Name | Who Should Complete |
Integrated Care Managers may apply to complete the Housing Consultation Services training.
Any adult services provider may apply to complete the Housing Transition and Housing Sustaining Services training.
You can demonstrate most of these competencies by completing the TrainLink classes that are available online, with the Soft Skills being demonstrated by Return Demonstration (someone observing you in an assessment and planning interview.)
Additionally, read the following:
Tap on any of the following links to learn more.
This guide is a living document. We want to improve it with your help. Do you have questions? Found a typo? Find yourself wanting more information? Want to volunteer to become a provider of HSS? Please send us your thoughts about anything in this chapter by tapping on the link below.
April 10, 2023: Discharge procedures added.
April 21, 2023:Referral to Admission instructions addded.
Sept 4, 2024:Moving Expenses
Brief explanation added for how to internally handle and foward receipts for moving expenses.
Language added, cross-referencing Staff Health and Safety Guide, reminding that physically moving clients is not a service we provide.
Jan 3, 2025:Remote Services Definiitions and Limits added.
Language added, cross-referencing Staff Health and Safety Guide, reminding that physically moving clients is not a service we provide.