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This is the Career Development Guide

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Money Follows Mission

What Does the Title Mean?

We set out at Accend to accomplish a mission: to get high-quality, person-centered community mental health services to people who need them rapidly and responsively. When we do that, when we focus on mission first, the money follows, and we do not need to worry about the bottom line.

This guide is about productivity and efficiency. We examine productivity as one element of job performance. Our best staff are our most productive staff because they are person-centered and responsive and as a result, they have high engagement. They also efficient because they hone their skills, manage their time, and work proactively to meet deadlines.


Accend is committed to a system of documenting and billing for services, payroll, and accounting that:

Four Simple Concepts

Money follows Mission: If we pursue the mission of high quality services, the money will follow.

Compliance follows Quality: High quality services include proactive, high quality assessment and planning. If we follow best practices there, we should not have to worry about compliance.

Productivity follows Person-Centered Services: If we are providing person-centered services that respond to client needs, they will engage in services, and productivity will follow.

Earnings follow Outcomes: Staff reimbursement should heavily emphasize effective treatment services and clients achieving measurable outcomes. If clients are achieving outcomes, that means they are getting their needs met and are likely engaged, and productivity is less of a concern or not at all. We find this to be true with our top performers.

The Budget

The Executive Director prepares and annual budget for the board.

Our top budget item is people. When we develop our annual budget, our top priority is to develop wages and benefits that are competitive and fair for the hard work you do. In a typical year, wages, payroll taxes, benefits and expense reimbursements for all the people who work at Accend are 80-85% of our budget. This includes all provider staff, supervisors, adminstrative support an maintenance.

The largest line item in Operating Expenses is developing, improving, and maintaining our Electronic Health Record and other software and technologies, including hardware.

Maintaining our offices - mortgages, property taxes, maintenance, property insurance, equipment and supplies - comes next. Operating expenses also include professional liability (malpractice) and other insurance, and of course office supplies and treatment resources.

We pay corporate taxes on our profits only so this line item is only a small percent of our annual budget.

After the tax bill is paid, what remains is strategic reserve. Strategic reserve gets us through hard times and helps us develop new programs.

What is Strategic Reserve?

Strategic Reserve refers to liquid assets (savings) accumulated as a rainy day fund (8% of annual expenses) to support payroll and other expenses in case there is a problem with revenue, and to support new development.


Accend maintains liability and other insurance at or higher than the highest minimum required by any contract we hold with payers. This insurance includes the following:

Audits, Oversight and Quality Assurance

Accend uses several methods for auditing financial and billing records to assure quality and fideility. These include the following:

Provider Timecard Authorization and Approval

All provider time records require review and approval before they are accepted for billing. All provider staff must document concurently as defined in our Documentation and Electronic Health Records policy and procedures and submit time daily for review and approval.

Additionally, when services provided fall outside of certain norms, as established by business rules, this policy also requires additional review and authorization by the supervisor before it is submitted for approval.

Individual Provider Time Audits

At random intervals, or if a problem is suspected, individual provider time records are audited as described in the Documentation and Electronic Health Records policy and procedures. The purpose of audits is to assure patterns of accurate and concurrent documentation, and to identify and intervene with patterns that might lead to inaccuracy.

External Review

Annually, revenue and expense reports are reviewed and approved by an external Certified Public Accountant.

Monitoring Ongoing Eligibility For Services

We confirm ongoing finanical and programmatic eligibility for services and payment for services using the following methods:

Privately-Owned For-Profit Company vs Non-Profit Organization

Accend Services, Inc. is a privately-owned, for-profit company. What does this mean?

We founded in 2006, Accend Services Inc. as a for-profit, not a non-profit corporation. There were several reasons for this, including the following:

In short, for-profit or non-profit, the bottom line is key. Owners of Accend are employees. We work on salary and we have never taken divends from profit other than to invest in resourcesa to suppor out mission. We pay taxes in in given year with higher taxes in profitable years, and receive refunds in less profitable years, based on the performance of the company.

Owners are responsible to ensure that Accend remains viable and functioning. This has been hard at times, with owners lending personal savings to keep the company operating for short periods of time while funds are short. Yet we owe gratitude to our many staff over the years to help us support our mission.

Productivity and Stewardship


Productivity refers to the ratio of billable services you provide (plus some other prior-authorized, but not billable activities) to the total hours you work. Travel to billable services is included in productive, or target time.

You can maximize your productivity using several strategies. These include, but are not limited to:


Stewardship refers to working efficiently and planning work to be as efficient as possible while using agency, community, and client healthcare resources wisely and without waste. Here are just a few examples of stewardship:

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Updates to this Chapter

October 4, 2024

Some words added about why Accend founded and continues to operate as a for-profit organization.