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Staff Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Use

This policy was last updated on November 6, 2023. See a list of updates below.


What You Will Learn


Accend Services promotes healthy living by encouraging responsible use of alcohol, avoidance of illegal drugs, and safe, appropriate use of medications. Engaging in any of the following behaviors is strictly forbidden and may result in immediate termination:

Accend Services policy regarding tobacco use is a follows:

Guidelines for Responsible Alcohol Use

Generally speaking, alcohol is metabolized by the average person at a rate of one drink per hour (One drink = one shot of liquor, one 4-oz glass of wine, or 12-oz bottle of beer). By metabolizing, we mean the rate that the body is able to eliminate or neutralize the effect of the alcohol on the system. However, this is a general rule only and can be affected by many factors, including the size of the drinker, what else the drinker eats or drinks, and the specific ingredients of a mixed drink.

Drinking any alcohol on the day of a scheduled shift prior to work is prohibited. Drinking heavily late at night before work the following may result in residual alcohol remaining in the system the following day.

Some medicines contain alcohol. If you are using cold or cough medicines, read and follow the instructions, and if you are concerned, tell your supervisor what medications you are taking.

Procedures When Taking Prescription Medications

You may be prescribed medications by your physician that impact your safety and judgment due to side effects. When accepting prescriptions that you suspect might impact your safety at work, ask your physician for special instructions in writing regarding safety measures or work restrictions to which you need to adhere.

Cannabis Policy

Cannabis and cannabis products are now legal for personal use in Minnesota. This section describes Accend Services policies regarding cannabis.

Accend will not implement a testing policy for marijuana/cannabis use as no valid test exists. Rather we will implement an impairment policy.

Impairment may include, but is not limited to, the following:

We recognize that these symptoms/behaviors may also result from other causes such as fatigue, extreme stress, reactions to prescribed medications, and others. Regardless of cause, an employee may be asked to leave work if showing these or other signs of impairment that cause disruption, safety concerns, or and ability to perform job functions.

Use of marijuana/cannabis during work hours is prohibited

Possession of marijuana/cannabis at work (on grounds or in client homes) is prohibited, including in your car when traveling with clients unless it is in a locked compartment or trunk, inaccessible to the client. 

If You Suspect a Coworker is Impaired

If you suspect that the employee is impaired by and subtance and at risk of harm to himself or others, do not let him or her remain at work or drive a vehicle.

Employee Drug Testing


Accend Services has a reasonable suspicion policy for testing employees for the presence of drugs or alcohol in their blood or urine. Reasonable Suspicion means that we will ask employees to submit to a test when evidence indicates that they may be impaired by drugs or alcohol. As described above, no reliable tests exist for recent marijuana use. However, if the test results return the presence of THC and no other substances, it might be assumed that this is the source of the impairment.

Positive, definitive tests for the presence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications not prescribed for the employee by a physician at levels that indicate possible influence while at work, may be grounds for immediate termination or suspension.

Employees who are chemically dependent, whether they have received treatment, are currently being treated, or have not sought treatment are subject to the same rules, expectations and consequences as any other employee.


When an employee is suspected of being under the influence, procedures are:

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Updates to this Chapter

November 6, 2023: Cannabis Policy added. Testing policy modified and clarified.