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Medical Records

Welcome to Medical Records

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Individual Requests for Records

Recipient Rights

An individual has a right of access to inspect and obtain a copy of protected health information about the individual in a designated record set, for as long as the protected health information is maintained in the designated record set, except for the following:


When an individual requests their own records, do the following:

  1. Ask for the request in writing if possible.
  2. Ask that the request be specific (types of records, date ranges, etc.).
  3. Before releasing the requested records, a designated licensed professional should review all records prior to release to assure that none meet the definitions of records we do not release, above.
  4. If the licensed professional believes that it may be prudent to meet with the individual to review or explain any of the requested records before releasing them, make an appointment to do so.
  5. Complete all of these steps and provide the records to the individual within 10 days of the request.

Obtaining Records from External Sources

...more to come

Using Share Everywhere from Epic

Epic has a snapshot feature so clients can easily share their records with Accend.

It is called "Share Everywhere”. Make sure the PHI agreement signed when initiating BHH or a general ROI includes the hospital where records are being accessed from before using this feature.

Here is how to use it.

  1. Client logs into Myhealth and clicks the “share your record” globe on the bottom left.
  2. Click request share code.
  3. Client enters the name of who they would like to share with.
  4. It gives the client a one time use code that lasts for 60 minutes.
  5. Copy the code and go to www.shareeverywhere.com
  6. Enter the code and the clients Birthday and click view record
  7. Once you get there, you have until you log out to view your clients “health summary” including:

Clients could potentially request and send their systems navigators a new code after each doctors visit, and you could easily update their information in tabs.

Another cool feature is the "Message My Care Team” feature. This enables you to send the client’s doctor a message if you have questions or notice missing follow-ups, vaccines, or preventative care.

Restrictions and Instructions on Release of Certain Records

Certain records released my include protections of confidentiality.

These include internal Maltreatment Reports or records of external Maltreatment Reported because the identity of the reporter is confidential. In this and other cases, when the records are specifically requested as a part of a request for all records, or when these are specificallhy requested by other than authorities investigating the Maltreatment, the names of reporters will be redacted from the records prior to release, as these must be kept confidential as per laws regarding maltreatment reporting.

Other records that should not be Released without specific, signed releases of information from the individual include:

Updates to This Guide

February 26, 2025

Clarification added that certain records considered confidential will be redacted when releasing Medical Records. This includes Maltreatment Reports and others.

Feedback or Questions about this Chapter

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